The expansion of Pablo Enterprises has hit a snag.
Intolerant landlords.
I was hoping to relocate the Pablo Enterprises headquarters in West Hobart to bigger premises somewhere in the greater Hobart area, preferably inner-city (I don't think I'm much of an outer suburbs kind of cat, frankly). But those plans have now been shelved due to the irrational bias of the landlords of Hobart against pets.
Above are just a few damning examples of the kind of intolerance that pets requiring decent housing face EVERY DAY. ( I realise that there's one there that doesn't say 'no pets'. But give me a break. You try using scissors without opposable thumbs!)
If it was up to me, these landlords would be NAMED and SHAMED... but Kate made me censor the phone numbers of these heartless despots. I'm currently waiting to hear back from Naomi Robson of Today Tonight to see if she wants to come and do a story on the issue. It's an outrage, a story that no Australian can afford to miss! Everyone knows that pets (cats, anyway) increase the value and prestige of a property.
When Pablo Enterprises gets a better cash flow, I'm going to buy a house and put an ad in the paper to lease it out. And guess what the ad is going to say? 'No people' (or 'No people without a cat'. That's less catchy though. We'll see).
But every cloud has a silver lining. As I'm staying on in West Hobart, the West Hobart Tigers Organising Committee has renewed my contract for season 2007. Unanimous vote. I'm stoked. Thanks, boys!