Player name: Frankie
Rookie year: 2006
Skills: Stealth, curiousity, super frootbat hearing, Hepburn-like looks (Audrey, that is), extreme balancing and poise, patience
Favourite pasttime: Fencewalking
This is Frankie. She's the newest player in the West Hobart Tigers' squad (apart from
Possum, whose transfer is still being processed by the SFFL... they're really dragging their paws!). 2006 was Frankie's first season with us and she did an awesome job. She came to us with an injury, and was even walking around with one of those plastic 'Elizabethan' collars around her neck, to stop her from scratching her face. A coupla the Tigers made fun of her, but I thought she showed some real guts by wearing it out in public and not even caring.
Frankie's been a real asset to the Tigers. She's small and delicate, which means that she can move quickly and silently. She's also very inquisitive and keeps an eye on our turf at all times, while still managing to maintain her characteristic grace and style.

Frankie loves fencewalking. Not just the one pictured above (the front fence of my apartment complex), but any fence. Her most favourite fence to walk on is my side fence, a wooden pailing fence which is covered by a gnarly old climbing plant. It's way hard to walk on- I've tried. But little Frankie takes her time, plotting her moves with extreme patience and executing them with extreme balance and style.

So here's to Frankie, the first West Hobart Tiger to feature in my series of player profiles. (Keep an eye out next month for West Hobart Tigers player profile #2: Skinny Ginger.)
Happy Friday, catbloggers!