Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still alive and actually having a pretty good time at home with Nick while Kate is away. We're enjoying some quality man time together, as you can see: chilling out, eating food, watching DVDs... it's a pretty good life. (BTW, sorry for the poor quality photo... it's from the camera in our Macbook. Of course, Kate has the real camera with her!)
I am missing Kate, and get a bit meowy at night, singing songs that remind me of her. But I'm pleased that she got to visit Faz and her human, and that she could pass on my cat-sized Richmond Tigers football to Faz.
Kate is in Germany now, and is enjoying some lovely summer weather. Her blurp-in-utero is still making her feel pretty sick, and she's done a couple of spectacular voms at two of her hosts' houses. Ew!
Sorry that I haven't been able to visit you all... I'm feeling very cut off from all my blogosphere buddies. I PROMISE I'll visit as normal when Kate returns in a few weeks.
Until then, purrrs to you all!