This is Possum. She's a NKOTB (new kitten on the block) here in West Hobart, but she's facing a bit of trouble. Her mum and dad found her in the gutter not long ago. They took her in and looked after her and even planned to keep her. But things aren't looking good. Her parents' real estate agent is being all 'NO PETS' about things, and appealing to the owner of their flat hasn't worked thus far. Please send Possum your bestest purrs (or even give her a shout out on her blog), cause she really wants to stay with her new mum and dad... and the West Hobart Tigers really want to pick her up in the 2007 rookie draft. I'll let you know how she gets on.
In other news, I've lost another collar! I'm keeping quiet about how I lost it, but I came home nude again the other night. They've bought me another one, but it's not very comfortable. Let's see how quickly I can rid myself of it and get another one!
1 hour ago
Hi Pablo! I'm sorry to hear about your friend. You should post her on Cat Blogosphere news so people worldwide can find her. Often they can help find her a forever home or the people (if they want to move) a place that accepts pets.
I'm sending good thoughts your way!
Thanks for the Melborne updates. I agree with you about the Pet Shop thing too.
hi, Pablo. isn't possum tha cutest fing. i hopes she gets ta stay wif hers fambly.
'n u's losted anuffer collar. i won't even ask.
Possum looks so much like KC when she was little! Can't really help from Whiskonsin, cept to say hope efurrything werks out. How can anyone fink a home is better wif NO CATS???
I thought that about KC and Possum too!
Poor little kittie. Reminds me of my childhood. Here's hoping possum's story comes out happily.
News just in: Possum is allowed to stay! Thanks everyone for all your purrs, prayers and good wishes.
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