Not sure if you've heard, but it's been a big week in Australian politics, everycat. After 11-and-a-half years in power, Prime Minister John Howard (the leader of the Liberal Party, which, for you US cats, is a bit like the Republican party) was voted out by the Australian people last Saturday in favour of a brand new leader, Kevin Rudd (leader of the Labor Party - think Democrats). Somecats might have seen a clip of Kevin (or the K-Rudd, as I like to call him) eating his own earwax that was shown recently on both Leno and Letterman. So what? I've eaten worse...
During the election campaign, Nick and Kate watched a LOT of news and current affairs shows (they're politics nerds, embarrassingly), so I managed to pick up on a few key election issues. Unfortunately, neither party had an explicit Vishus Deer policy, from what I can gather... but I did learn that 'ratifying the Kyoto Protocol' was a very important issue. Howard has refused to do it for YEARS, many beans believe that Kevin's promise to ratify this document was one of the reasons that he won. For those of you who don't know, to ratify something is to chew it up 'real good' as if it were a rat. Now, I happen to be very good at 'ratifying' documents. And I'm willing to offer my services to the new administration free of charge, for the good of my country. Especially if it means I can get a paw in the door with the K-Rudd on that Vishus Deer policy...
I have a lot of experience ratifying document, even political ones. Here is an example of my work ratifying a newsletter sent to residents in the Hobart area by Labor MP Duncan Kerr. I think you'll agree it's quite a comprehensive ratification:

So Kevin (I'm sure he reads this blog at least weekly), just send me an email when you need that Kyoto thing ratified -- I'm your mancat!
