Heeeeeeere's Lucy:
If you're a regular to my blog, you will have met Lucy before. She's the cat of one of Kate's work colleagues (Aunty Sue, who comes and feeds me sometimes) ... she even visits them at work sometimes! (I would not like that, because I hate new places. But Lucy is very happy to go visiting. And she's always ready for formal occasions, with her lovely black eyeliner.)
Lucy is the Feline Matriarch of West Hobart... she's 20 years old! In human years! She's a feline Jane Fonda... still a smokin' hottie even though she's in her senior years!
11 hours ago
Wow she looks pretty good at her age! Not a day over 10, I'd say!
Cheers to the lovely Lucy! She is a beautiful tabby gal!
Whee, Lucy looks great... and without any botox! What a super lady she must be.
Oh, she is lovely! I hope she had a happy birthday. :)
lucy is furry beyootiful
Congrats to Lucy for looking stunning at her 20 years!
Hi Lucy! You are such a pretty girl. You must have wonderful loving beans to be 20 years old and look so good!
I think Pabs has a bit of a crush on you dear lady.
Wow, twenty? Lucy looks like a sweet young lady, and she's more matriarcher than even our 17 & 18 Lucy & Callie! You go, girl!
Lucy is 20?!? She's gorgeous! I don't think she looks a day over Five. I love her glamorous eyeliner.
Some of us cats get even more purrrfect with age, and I bet Lucy is one of them! Happy Tuesday!
Twenty years old -- wow, wow, wow! that is just fabulous! Give my love to beautiful Lucy. What a wise and wonderful and beautiful Ladycat she is!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
You're beautful Lucy! I hope to look half as good as you when I am your age.
Looking very good Lucy - stunning as always. You give all of us older kitties hope with your active social life.
Oh, and g'day to you too Pablo - you must be West Hobart's own resident feline footy hero!
Purrs & headbutts
Gypsy & Tasha
Pablo! Dat iz one hot gurl cat! Y'know, I still haz a weakness fur stripey catsez, evfun though I yam sworn to da Mini.
Aww thats nice to introduce us to your sprightly friend Pabs.
Hope you gets to sit with your beans on Anzac day.
hubba hubba! she izza hotty!
mi sistah (hoo came befor) wuz 22!
What a gorgeous senior! We would never have guessed her age.
Happy Anzac Day Pablo!
She's 20 - wow. I bet she's not had as much plastic surgery as Jane Fonda though. FAZ
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