I think that when humans go away, they should a) hire people to help their cats to keep on blogging; or b) make sure that there are blogging facilities at their holiday destination. Do any of the presidential candidates have a platform on that?
Anyway, here's something I've been wanting to show everycat for ages. As you may know, some of my biggest fans are young children. They often show me their love and devotion by rendering my likeness in various works of art. Here's a great new piece from my little friend Phebe:

It's very dynamic and somewhat impressionistic; I love how she's used green and gold to convey my Australian-ness, and pipecleaners to reflect my softness that's always got a sharp end (I make it a point to end all snuggling sessions with a BIG bitey!).

I put it on the fridge door next to my photo of Poppy Q and the drawings of me that another little friend (Molly) did a few months ago.
Guess what? While I was out of blogging action last week, my good friends George, Tipper, Max and Misty (aka
'The Crew') gave me The Butterfly Award:

How cool is that? Thanks so much! Apparently I have to pass it on to 10 blogging buddies (10!). I've been outta the loop for awhile, so I'm not sure who has this award and who hasn't. Here's what I'm gonna do: 10 kitties were good enough to leave comments on my blog while I was away. I think that's a very cool thing... so I give the Butterfly Award to all of you, whether you've already received it or not:
The Crew (right back atcha!),
Yoggie and the
Meemsnyc kitties (their mum and dad just got married!).
Lots to catch up on... it's good to be back!