Some context:
In order to promote more harmonious sleeping arrangements now that she's got a baby bump to contend with, Kate has put this comfy sweater at the foot of the bed to encourage me to sleep there. (Actually, she put a comfy fleecy old bath robe there, but I barfed on it and so it's going through the wash a few times.)
I like my special spot. But I hafta say I do miss snuggling a little closer on these chilly winter nights.
(P.S. Grammatically, Kate's aware that it should be 'One whisker fewer Wednesday', but went with the more poetic, less correct, version.)
12 hours ago
Don't worry, they always seem to grow back...
I'm confused. Why does Kate's bump mean you have to sleep down the end of the bed? Where do you sleep normally? On her belly?
Thanks for your question, Alexander.
Where I normally sleep depends on the temperature. My preferred position is by Kate's side, either against her back or against her belly, depending on which way she's facing. But she's tossing and turning so much these days that this arrangement is not comfortable for either of us.
If it's really hot, I sleep at the end of the bed or even under it. If it's really cold, I like to get in the bed beside Kate.
Nick doesn't let me sleep near him. Ever.
Ah I see. This means except in hot weather Kate sleeps sandwiched between you and Nick. Which must be cozy, if a little constricting for her.
If the sleepless nights continue, does this mean that Nick might find a cozy blanket placed out on the couch?
Wow Pabs, having a sweater to snooze on is cool, but I would miss the belly!
We don't think you'll miss the whisker...not like you'll miss your sleeping spot next to Kate...
Was barfing on your robe your way of trying to get back to the belly? That's where I like to sleep. Suey used to try, but she now sleeps at the end of the bed because she got sick of being rolled on. Being a bit more, ahem, robust, I can handle it.
Pabs, nice sweater, with a very mancatly whisker thrown in. We're a bit disappointed with Nick's attitude - surely he should be going out of his way to cater to your every whim now that Kate has some other're a hero dude, putting up with all of that hardship. Hope the humans come to their senses soon,
Gypsy & Tasha
Looks like your momma is thinking of you and trying to do her best with her bump gettin' bigger and all. Look at it this way, some kitties don't even have a home and you have a home and someone who ♥s you!
I lose whiskers too. They grow back.
I don't ever get to sleep with my Mom, the Guy has the bedroom off limits to me at night. Mostly I just snuggle with Mom on the sofa. We have a nice blankie to snuggle with.
I sleep on mum's tummy and Eric sleeps across her head.That way we have her pinned down and she can't toss and turn.
The special snuggle spot is the next best thing!
I am sure you have a few to spare.
Is it still chilly there in Tassie? Spring seems to have arrived in Wellington, with some warm sunshiny days, and buds blooming in the garden.
My preferred position, is the ninja knee clamp where I spread my full body length between her knees, pinnin her into one body contortion position.
Pabs, dear, I saw this today and thought of you:
I like to sleep behind my mum in the small of her back on chilly nights. Does that work for you?
Dude! Nina has black-tipped whiskers, too! I don't an Bonnie didn't. As fur sleepin, I always sleep on Mom's feets. Maybe behind her's knees or atween her legs-that stops her frum tossin so much. If it's cold, I come unner da covers to snuggle in hers arms next to hers. Nina sumtimes sleeps on Dad's feets but mostly on a bed of kitty snuggles an boxes just ofur da footboard. Maybe if der was catnip on da spot they want you to sleep, you'd enjoy it more.
Sweet dreams,
Oh, adjustments have to be made, but sorry you lost your sleeping spot...maybe you need a sleeping bag like we have?
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