Kate likes this picture of me, even though it was an outtake. I'm not sure why she likes it. You can see the bit of fur that they shaved off my front leg when I had my IV fluids a few weeks ago. It's growing back... slowly.
Lots of you have asked how I'm feeling. Thanks so much for caring! I'm kind of ok, but I'm still not eating enough.I have appetite stimulants that I can take every 3-4 days, but we've noticed that about a day after I take a tablet (and I'm only taking 1/8 of one tablet), I have a vom. We don't know if it's the tablet that makes me sick, or the fact that I have more food in my tummy that makes me sick. So, once again, Kate's 'keeping an eye on me' and will take me back to the v-e-t if need be.
But I am getting out and enjoying the summer sun in my garden. And snuggling with Kate in bed at night. So life's pretty good.
11 hours ago
Outtakes are often as good as the shots you want to use. I took my own photos on our blog today. I'm the feline David Bailey! - Flynn.
We are glad you are getting out to enjoy the sun but wish you were eating better. Are you getting valium for your appetite? That is what got me eating again when I was ill. - Eric.
We like both pictures! The sticky one will soon be dropping fudz on the floor for you...always a bonus.
Are you overeating and vomming? Maybe smaller meals would help.
Pabs, we're still keeping you in our thoughts and purrayers. Annie is just home now after 5 days at the "spa" for terrible constipation, and has had appetite stimulants too, along with anti-nausea shots. The appetite stimulant is an anti-depressant not used for that, but for its side effects. Name begins with "m," though the mom would have to look it up. Is that what you're on?
Your bean sibling is looking cute ++++.
Purrs to you to be completely better soon.
Outtakes are usually more candid than planned shots. Sometimes the mistake looks pretty good after the fact.
Glad you are feeling a little better.
we are glad you are feeling better and outtakes are some of the best takes there are!
Hi Pabs! We're glad you are doing okay and you're getting outside to enjoy your garden. We like that picture of you too...and as for the sticky bean...well, we're not real sure about that either!!
Hey Pabs. We can't see the appeal in the sticky photo either. Far to cute to be of any appeal ;)
Your photo is very cool. You look like one determined mancat, striding out to hunt.
Smooches to you, handsome.
Pabs, we are glad you are doing ok and getting out and about. Kidney issues can sometimes make fuuds taste a bit odd to us and cause digestive upsets due to kidneys taking longer to get toxins out of our system. Sometimes an anacid from the vet can help with this.
Sending you big rumbly purrs
Whicky Wuudler
We love both of the cute photos that you shared. We hope you felt much better after having some fluids during that time. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us. Have a fantastic rest of your day.
World of Animals
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