The Pablo Refrigerator Gallery is proud to reveal its latest acquisition, a mixed media piece by renowned littlebean artist (and my good friend) Phebe. According to the artist's statement, the cat's name is 'Ilada'. It must be noted that the Oregon fridge magnet (a gift from the
Pablo Fan Club when their beans visited Australia last year) was my touch, and not part of the original work.
'Illada' takes her place alongside the other iconic works of feline-inspired art in the Pablo Refrigerator Gallery, which includes one of Phebe's earlier works, 'Untitled #37, with pipe cleaners', acquired by the gallery in 2008:

As you can see, the Pablo Refrigerator Gallery contains one of the world's finest collections of feline-inspired art created by littlebeans.
(P.S. Thanks so much, everycat, for all your purrs and well-wishes on my gotchaversary/birthday last week. Sorry I haven't been very active in the blogosphere of late. Apparently Kate has been 'very busy'. Whatevs.)