My friends at Zoolatry made this graphic for me as part of their Wordy Wednesday Challenge. It relates to some funny spam I got on one of my recent posts from someone trying to sell me some basketball sneakers.
Do you think there's a market for these shoes? If I was the shoe-wearing kind, I know I'd want a pair of Air Pablos.
Well, two pairs.
14 hours ago
Those are some nifty shoes, Pablo! Good job on the Wordy Wednesday Challenge. I'm participatin', too ... You're just a tad ahead time-wise!
That's cool! Miss Ann did great job again!
That is such a cute picture, and what neat shoes you have there.
Cute WW Challenge...our is posted, too. Rosie says she prefers high heels to sneakers. ;-)
I'll take two pairs in purple please!
Huffle Mawson
I love that!
Run, run, run.
Walk, walk, walk.
Jump, jump, jump.
Those are cool shoes, Pablo...but it might be difficult for you to get them on all four feet!
We'd consider wearing PabPaws if they were available.
Great picture, mate:)
Haha! We remember that comment. Your shoes are much better.
Beautiful photo! But the spammy thing is fun also, har har!
Great picture!
My mommie would buy those shoes! I don't like anything on my feets.
You are so funny! "Air Pablos" - HAhahahahahahaha!
Great WWC Pablo!
But nothing beats the real thing - paws are us. FAZ
We love your Wordy Wednesday picture Pablo!!
Your FL furiends,
and Maverick
hehe, that's an adorabble pickshure of you with the shoes, Pabs! Zoolatry does such wunnerful work.
And "Air Pabs", whatta great idea!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is a very cool picture of you!
I would buy those shoes, Pablo. They are very cool. I bet I could run really fast in them.
That's a cute graphic. If we wore shoes, we'd definitely buy your shoes.
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