Look at my tummy!
Look at my toes! You can kind of see my toes. I'm actually licking one of them while doing a Full Monty. This move has a moderate degree of difficulty. It's gonna be my entry in Monty Q's Full Monty comp.
I'll be honest, this photo was taken quite a few months ago, back in the days when the sun used to shine in on the loungeroom in the afternoon. So in some ways, it's not a legit tummy and toes Tuesday shot. But Kate is finding it very hard to take good shots of me these days, because it's dark when she gets home from work and I get laserbeam eyes if she uses the flash. Even on weekends, when she's home during the day, I'm in hibernation on or in or under the bed, not really in a posing mood.
In other news, Monica and Phoebe are back in the blogosphere! Their people have FINALLY arrived home from vacation. Why not stop by and catch up with the ladies?
22 hours ago
This is an excellent, finger-licking good (of the Colonel variety)full-monty and shows great dexterity. I am going to think about this and try to do something similar for the camera (I doubt it will be as good though). FAZ
I had to study that picture very closely to figure out the perspective. Because I see tummy and toes everywhere! Very dashing.
Oh my, Pablo! *blush* You are very flexible. I love your tiger stripe colors. Thanks for the plug for everycat to come to my blog. I am going to post something new today.
That's a good shot even if it isn't "recent" (it's recent enough if you ask me).
Pablo, that is da neatest monty picture with toesies and tummy and I see your tongue too!! What a Tuesday!
deer pablo,
az a loyal fan ... i havta say dat'z a award winnin full monty ... but i hadta look at it verree carefullee.
i can't tell da tummee frum da toez!
Cute photo, Pablo. :) You have a very nice tummy!
omigosh! omigosh! It eluded capture for over an hour! It must've been one of the strong vishus deer leaders. You're so lucky it didn't find you Pablo! It probably came to Austrailia looking for blogging kitties so you couldn't spread the word on their takeover attempt.
PS I think this counts as a Triple Threat. Tummy, toes & tongue. We don't like winter either. It is so dreary. What helps mommy with the laser eyes (sometimes) is to put a very thin piece of tissue paper over the flash of her camera. I hope this helps.
This is a great picture. I really enjoyed it!
wow, furry awesum
Now that look s like a very sophisticated move, Anastasia will try it out, she is an accomplished yoga master and already practicing for Monte Q. contest too....
Also: there is a blogoversary to celebrate, come by and check it out!
I am a little bit confuse where is your head, this photo is a master piece~!
Oh Pabs, I am getting so bored with all this rain. Fancy coming over for a visit? FAZ
Wow, what an impressive move, Pablo! I would call it a Toe-Tummy Monty. Nicely done!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I hearrrrd some disturrrbing things when I saw yourrr picturrre like, "What a prrretty furrr hat Pablo would make.." It seems yourrr currrled up like someones' noggin warrrmerrr! Yourrr coat is quite beautiful.
I love the fully monty pictures ~ though like Daisy said it was hard to figure out exactly what was going on :)
Wow, your all over the place in that picture. I had a hard time figuring out which end was which.
ps: Pablo, congratulations on winning the D-O-Gzilla s&P shakers!!!!
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