My kiwicat friend
Poppy Q tagged me for the fridge meme. Here are the rules:
Show us a photo of the front of your Cold Box and tell us about at least one thing on it and one thing you keep inside of it! Tag your friends and remember to stay COOL! And no fair cleaning it up first!!!

So this is our fridge! One confession: I had to break one of the rules, because there was a letter on the fridge with some of Nick and Kate's personal details on it. But it was boring, anyway.
You might have to click to biggify the details, but some of the things you can see are:
1. Magnets: alphabet magnets, a Carlton Football Club mascot magnet and some cute korean magnets.
2. The 2008 Pablo calendar, designed by Nick (but inspired by me!).
3. Some cute cat drawings by my little friends Ellie and Molly.
4. A beautiful portrait of... Poppy Q herself! I promise I didn't put it there just for this meme. Poppy Q was my Secret Paw last Christmas, this photo was one of the cool presents she sent me.
... and now to the inside. Poppy Q thought that we might have some typical Aussie things in there like VB (Victoria Bitter- an Aussie beer) or a Violet Crumble (a honeycomb and chocolate bar- I didn't know these were particularly Australian). Well, none of that I'm afraid, Poppy (VB is a bit of a dirty word in this house... Nick and Kate prefer Tasmanian beers, usually Cascade Lager), but we've got the one thing that matters...

... my stinky goodness!
I hereby tag
Mr Hendrix,
Dragonheart & Merlin and
Mickey Mantle.