Friday, January 30, 2009

Chillaxin on a Friday arvo...

Hi everycat,

Ahh, it's Friday arvo (that's Aussie for 'afternoon'... we Aussies love shortening words and putting 'o' on the end). It's been a warm week in Hobart, not the sweltering conditions that my mates in Melbourne and Adelaide have endured (with daily maximums in the mid-40s), but some lovely warm weather in the high 20s/low 30s (Celsius). I've been spending most of my days out here on the patio, roasting my furs on the warm concrete and having some lovely grit-baths.

As my mate Jeter Harris would say, 'life iz grate'.

Happy weekend, everycat!


Monday, January 26, 2009

A very special day

January 26 is a special day in Australia. It's a public holiday for Australia Day, marking the day in 1788 when the First Fleet of British settlers landed in Australia (in Sydney, to be precise). It's a day to celebrate everything that's good about being Australian and living in Australia. But it's a sad day for the traditional owners of this land, who see 26 January 1788 as a day of invasion. Somebeans think we should pick a new date for our national holiday. They might be right. But, like last year, there is a whole NOTHER reason why we can celebrate on 26 January: It's my friend Lucy's TWENTY-FIRST birthday!!!!

Lucy has taught me many things, but the main thing she's taught me is that a cat is never to old to enjoy the magic herb (cat thyme, that is). Here she is cosying up to her favourite cat thyme plant on her deck. Lucy is still in great shape and has a wonderful life with her bean, Sue. Sue comes and feeds me sometimes when Nick and Kate are away. She rocks.

Happy birthday, Lucy! May you live to be a million and twenty-one!


Friday, January 23, 2009

I know nothing...

I'm totally pleading the fifth... do we have that in Australia?


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yes. We. Did! Barack Obama's inauguration, even though it took place at 3.30am, Tasmanian time. This is what I look like when I get woken up in the middle of the night. I must say though, I looked a lot better than Kate did!
Once I woke up a bit and realised what was going on, I made my way to a comfy spot in front of the TV:Kate dragged my underbed mattress into the living room especially for this historic occasion.
Our friend Fiona (who hung out with me when Nick and Kate were away a few weeks ago) came around and watched the inauguration with us. It was great to witness this important moment, even though it meant waking up in the middle of the night. We wish you all the best, President Obama!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Mancat Monday: Extreme grooming

A mancat's grooming is never done (especially in summer when all our furs are shedding). May as well make it an extreme sport. It's the mancatly thing to do.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

It's unani... unanima... um... we all agree!

... that Daisy has the BEST pet blog EVER!

So there!!


Monday, January 12, 2009

What I did last week...

Last week, Nick and Kate went on a little holiday. That's why I haven't been blogging so much lately. Their friend Fiona came to stay with me, and helped me write this post. Sorry that it's late...

My beans have been ‘on the mainland’ for the last few days (that’s what us Tassiecats call the rest of Australia). They recruited their friend Fiona to be protectorchef while they’re away. I can’t believe they still don’t realise that I am mancat enough to feed and defend myself.

Things got off to a bad start with Fiona. She came around with a big and littlebean and the littlebean said rude things about me. (“He sounds like a baby.” I did not sound like a baby - I was merely informing Fiona of my heartfelt desire to go outside.) They looked at a wad of paper Kate had left then went WITHOUT LETTING ME OUTSIDE. How am I supposed to maintain my mancat status if I’m denied the opportunity to battle the othercats?! Then the next evening she returned AND STILL REFUSED TO LET ME OUTSIDE.

Thank goodness there’s been lots of food and water and Nick and Kate’s underbed. That’s all I can say.


NB Things picked up with Fiona. The next morning Fiona relented and let me outside, so I had some goodtimes lying in the sun and keeping an eye on things.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The poop cushion

Can you see the poop on the cat cushion? It's on the right-hand side of the cat's face, just below his ear. Here's a close-up:

That's what I'm talking about! And Daisy, it did smell good. Really birdy.


Monday, January 05, 2009

There was a bird! Inside! My house!

It was up there! Inside the chimney! I think it was a late Christmas present from Santa! But they took it away, and they didn't even get any good photos of it, and only this laser-eyed one of me! But I could smell that it had been there! In my living room! And it pooped on a cushion! Wow!
