Hi everycat,
Ahh, it's Friday arvo (that's Aussie for 'afternoon'... we Aussies love shortening words and putting 'o' on the end). It's been a warm week in Hobart, not the sweltering conditions that my mates in Melbourne and Adelaide have endured (with daily maximums in the mid-40s), but some lovely warm weather in the high 20s/low 30s (Celsius). I've been spending most of my days out here on the patio, roasting my furs on the warm concrete and having some lovely grit-baths.
As my mate Jeter Harris would say, 'life iz grate'.
Happy weekend, everycat!
3 days ago
Pabs, you just used two of my least favourite "words" in that title sentence!
I never knew that word before. Have a happy Friday arvo!
Have a great weekend chillaxin Pabs, Nick and Kate. We hope you all get to pop your feet up with a cold one.
The temperatures on the mainland are crazy!!
Julie and poppy Q
Okay, rub it in. We are forecast yet more rain and it is going to get colder again. The weatherman said we may even get snow. We hardly ever get snow, just rain and ice.
Pabs, you look so cute and relaxed!
Pablo...please send some nice weather our way, okay???
Pabs, I'm coming over to your place. It's too hot here!
Huffle Mawson
Same weather as yours in Sydney - still too warm for me in the sun though. SS is cleaning house and I am hiding, having my beauty nap.
Enjoy the arvo, Pabs. You are looking quite handsome today!
Sunshine and grit baths- my idea of paradise! If only this rain would stop, then I can get back to my baking, too:)
Your life does sound pretty "grate". It's really cold here, but I'm dreaming of roasting my furs on warm concrete. I hope you had a great Friday arvo.
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