Wednesday, November 07, 2007

A curious similarity?

Hey, I was just reading all about the Kitty Kookies that Parker's family made (check them out, they look AWESOME), and I noticed a curious similarity between the shape of the 'Kookies':
and the shape of my home island, Tasmania (I live in Hobart, the capital city):
Map of Tasmania by Tourizm Maps ©2006

What do you think? Am I the only one who can see the resemblance? Have I got Tasmania-mania?



Just Ducky said...

What an interesting comparison. You live on kookie island?

Luna und Luzie said...

Wow what a similarity. I can see it.
this is really curious. Hope the cookies tastes good.

Parker said...

Holy cats Pablo! Tasmania looks just like a kitty kookie! I am astounded! Go outside and take a bite of your yard, does it taste like a kookie? I bet it does!

Daisy said...

Very interesting! I think a scientific investigation is in order.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Wowww, it's really similar~!!!
That is really neat~!!!!

Christine and FAZ said...

Maybe they are really Tazzie cookies Pabs. Purrs FAZ

p.s. glad to report the humans are back at last - boy was I getting bored.

Sassy Kat said...

I could see it! I must also say that those cookies looked pretty good!

Leslie said...

You live in Catmania. That's incredible about the shape of the cookies.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hey yer rite, yer island is cat cookie shaped. Mum is allus looking at the map and she sez she nefurr notissed that Tasmania wuz shaped like a kitty's head befurr.

Monica said...

Excellent! I can easily see why Tasmania is such a great place to be a cat. I think this will go a long way in your argument for a national Give a Cat a Turkey day. Add it to the list of arguments.