I've posted this picture before, but am posting it again because 1)Kate has been 'too busy' (how rude) to take new pictures of me; but mostly 2)because I told my good friend Faz that I would post it. She did a post recently about her top three sleeping positions. Her #2 sleeping position was the 'Legs Apart'. Well, Faz, this is my variation on the Legs Apart, known at my place as the 'Classic Pabs' because, well, it's my classic sleeping pose. It's kinda hard to tell, but I've got my right paw pointing away from me, paw-side facing away from the camera. It looks kinda awkward, but believe me, it's comfy (behind me is the Classic Nick: reading and taking notes). The Classic Pabs: try it sometime!
P.S. Coming soon: An Experiment and an awesome contest to mark my upcoming 1st blogoversary!
3 days ago
hey Pabs
thats a great photo! daddy does all the picture taking, so we dont have many pics together :(
gess wut ... da frame got to germany ... did da d-o-gzillaz get to da down-under yet?
i like dat pikshur uv u wid yer armz apart.
i'm lookin forward to heerin abowt yer upcomin contest.
Oh Pablo! We truly have never seen that resting position before!
You look cute!!!!
I LOVE experiments! I can't wait.
That's a very interesting sleeping position. I does look awkward, but you look very comfortable.
That is an unyooshul purrzishun. My faverit is full stretch to take up as much bed as possybull.
Wowie, you've gotta Blogavershury comin' up -- conCATulashuns, Pabs! I can't wait to hear about your kontest!
That looks like a furry comfy sleepin' pozishun -- I'll have to try it sometime!
And thankies so furry much for your sweet words to my momma about the feral kitties -- she appreshiates them from the bottom of her heart.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Wow, happy upcoming Blogiversary, Pabs! I can't wait to see what kind of contest you will have. I bet it will be fun!
And that is a fascinating sleeping position! I have some unusual ones myself, *smile*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Wow Pabs that really is legs apart - I didn't know it was possible to get them so far apart and still be attached. Coooool! FAZ
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